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First Time Visitors

We know that visiting a new church can be overwhelming or even intimidating sometimes and that is why we want to help! Whether you're new to Jesus, just moved to the area, or are looking for a church family, we are here for you!

Below, you will find various links and info about Plainview church of Christ. We pray that we will get the chance to meet you, whether it’s on Sunday or Wednesday, or even a private Bible study setting.

We hope to see you soon! We regularly meet for worship and Bible classes on Sundays and Wednesdays. We have classes available for all ages, including Preschool, Children’s Ministry and Youth Group/High School.

Sundays Worship: 9 AM & 5PM
Bible Study: 10:15 AM
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 PM

We are located in Hazel Green, AL across from Walmart and next to Foodland Grocery Store. Our address is 14500 Highway 231-431 North

Hazel Green, AL 35750 Phone: 256-828-3909.

If you are thinking about visiting Plainview, please call or email us and let us know so we can be expecting you. This is a way we can make sure someone is there to greet you and show you around from the moment you step in the door.

Have a question or wondering what to expect during a typical worship service or Bible Study?  Here are a few things you may see or wonder about to help you feel more comfortable.


An important part of our worship service is congregational singing. We sing acapella and offer our praises to God without instruments.  We do this because that’s the example that was set for us in the New Testament (Ephesians 5:18-20; Colossians 3:16).   We encourage everyone to join in and sing with us! God doesn’t care if you have any singing ability – it’s the heart that matters!


There will be multiple prayers during our  worship. We just want to thank God and petition Him on behalf of our  members, our family members, our country, and others. If we can pray for  you, please let us know. (1 Timothy 2:1-8; Acts 2:42; 1 Thessalonians  5:17)


Just as praying and singing were important  features of the assemblies of New Testament churches, so was delivering  and receiving the word of God (1 Timothy 4:12; Colossians 4:16; Acts  20:7). Hearing the word of the Lord makes us aware of God’s presence in  the assembly and can help us apply the Scriptures to our daily lives. At  the end the lesson, there is a time for those who wish to come forward  for prayers, to respond for baptism, or any other need they may have.  Please, don’t feel uncomfortable during this time. No one will be singled out.


At a point during our worship service,  we will partake in the Lord’s Supper. Small plastic cups with a piece of bread are available in both foyers. You may pick these up as you enter the auditorium. This bread  symbolizes the body of Jesus that was broken on the cross for our sins  (Matthew 26:26; Luke 22:19). After a prayer of thanks for the sacrifice of Christ & after everyone has eaten from the bread, we will have a prayer for the juice. This juice symbolizes the blood of Christ which was shed  for our sins (Matthew 26:27-29). A prayer of thanks will also be given for Christ before we drink the juice.


In the New Testament Christians were given an opportunity to every first day of the week to give as they had prospered (1 Cor. 16:1-2). This money is used for many things including,  but not limited to, paying for local efforts to preach and teach the  Bible to adults and children, preaching the message of Jesus in other countries, and helping the needy. Of course, one thing we’d like to make very clear to our visitors is that we don’t expect you to make a  contribution to the work that we do. If you would like to make a  contribution, that’s fine, but you will not be asked, and please don’t feel obligated. 

We are blessed with wonderful elders, deacons, ministers and staff members. Learn more about these great people by clicking the link below.

  • Plainview's Facebook
  • Plainview Youtube Channel
  • The Gospel of Christ
Location & Contact

Location: 14500 Highway 231-431 North

P.O. Box 400

Hazel Green, AL 35750

Phone: 256-828-3909


Service Times

Sunday A.M. Worship: 9:00 A.M.

Sunday Bible Class: 10:30 A.M.

Sunday P.M. Worship: 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 P.M.

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